Masks and Social Distancing

Research and studies that add to the discussion. In a pandemic, choices can be important and your choices add to the decisions of others.


Masks have become a very political talking point. Some people choose one side or the other….all the while neither side completely discusses the topic. A lot of people claim science is on their side, and if they were honest then the science would make it easy for all of us. Even with all of the studies that have been submitted it shows there are nuances to this conversation.

First I’d like to point out that not all masks are the same. Some are more beneficial than others, as there is a Duke University study that shows these differences between 14 different styles of masks. Beyond these different styles of masks, there is a major point that I’d like to bring about that not many of us talk about in our every day life. A heavy majority of masks that are worn have not been washed, and because they are being reused these actually can contribute to more harm than the perceived benefit. Dirty masks can harbor bad bacteria, and even other viruses that can lead to skin irritation and respiratory issues such as developing a sore throat. Most of the cloth masks have become a debated topic among experts.

A second point that I’d like to make is that by wearing a face mask it does prove to keep from touching your face as much, but it also leads to fidgeting with your mask more than if you didn’t wear one. This can be just as bad as not wearing a face mask, as when you take off your mask the inside instantly becomes just as vulnerable to what you’ve touched as the outside barrier. Masks can be a ‘comfort blanket‘ that allows for more unconscious touching of the mask itself. This in the event that you are exposed, will add to the variables in which you can transmit your exposure.

It hasn’t helped that the ‘authoritative’ sources have switched their recommendations on masks. It can be argued that we’ve only learned more as we’ve experienced the pandemic, but I’d argue that they only wanted the N95 masks that are clearly superior to be only for front-line workers. There are limitations to these masks as well which I haven’t seen stated enough. Men with beards are exempt from having a properly fitted N95 mask which greatly decreases the efficiency of those masks. Also, these N95 masks are also only considered to be a single-use mask. There are involved ways to sanitize and clean for multiple uses, but many do not go through these recommended measures. Also, because these masks are more tightly woven it can lead to more physical discomforts such as headaches, lack of oxygen, and in more extreme cases a lack of clarity.

I’ll also mention that if you do not have a properly fitting N95 mask, then you are not only using a mask that has been proven to not adequately protect you against any virus….much less SARS-CoV-2. Usually, even the boxes that these masks are packaged in will state this fact.


This practice is also a bit more nuanced than the current dominant narratives. First and foremost, social distancing works best when used at the onset of the initial moment of spread. This practice has been shown to definitely be effective at a higher rate than wearing masks. This is likely because a young population will be more likely to contract a disease while simultaneously more likely to transmit this disease to an older population. So, when social distancing it can effectively mitigate the spread to other populations if the recommendations are considered.

There are adverse conditions that can trigger negative psychological outcomes in studies. Beyond just the normal anxious conditions that a direct change in society can create, there are much deeper ailments that can occur to the level of depression. It can also exacerbate the feelings of lonliness and isolation with those that live alone and who don’t work in a job that is considered ‘essential’. Social distancing also absolutely adds to distressing families in how they interact and have to be available to their committed social responsibilities. Not to mention the front-line workers that will experience a higher level of stress.

When this is mandated upon society this has a very negative effect. Beyond the effectiveness of the the practice this can be very harmful when used as a mandate. When social distancing is made an edict then it changes social behavior in a very negative way. It will inevitably become a manner of diminishing the spirit. This will directly effect how physically active the average citizen sustains their habitual actions. This includes shutting down gyms and general fitness centers that directly correlate to physioligical well-being.